What's In A Name...

LA has an a wonderful community of creatives. It was the first place I've ever felt comfortable pursuing my creative desires and we are so grateful to be a part of the making community here.

When I joined forces with Ji on Blooms in the Air we knew we wanted to create something meaningful, creative and most importantly unique. In order to solidify a new direction we decided to go forward with our venture using Bloom In the Air's abbreviation BITA. To us it was much more fun, inspirational and honestly easier to say! Little did we know that BITA had a whole meaning on its own, a coincidence we couldn't have dreamed of!

Being unique is our deepest value personally and professionally. Ji and I both know what it is like to be different, to have dreams that most people don't understand and to feel discouraged and silly for pursuing them. We know what it's like to have different interests, all wonderful l in their own way, but being forced into a box, encouraged to choose OR instead AND. 

What we have discovered is that the most successful and happiest people choose AND. They choose to pursue all of their different interests and dreams, despite what others think, and shine the brightest. To be a creative is to dare to dream, to dare to be unique and to allow your soul to to thrive in your passions.

With BITA, we hope to inspire others to stand in their uniqueness and recognize it as their most valuable asset. We aim to be a brand that brings people from all backgrounds and interests together to celebrate their lives in unique, meaningful ways.